About Amo Transport Solutions
Amo is a transport Solutions company that is well versed in the Car Rental and Car Hire field of Service. The Company is based in Dar es Salaam with branch offices in Mtwara and Iringa.Our sole objective is to provide our clients with convenient, reliable, accommodative and safe remedies to their transport needs.
Our team of dedicated, experienced, qualified professionals is always determined to resolve your transport problem by giving you a satisfactory solution in the shortest possible time and most appropriate manner.
Safety and Satisfaction of clients is a priority this is why all the vehicles we currently operate undergo thorough mechanical analysis and diagnosis from our team of specialists before taking on any car rental or hire task ahead.
Amo Group
AMO Group Limited established in 2011 is a Muilt-product line Company based in Tanzania whose amenities include:- AMO Transport Solutions that deals with Logistics, Car Rentals/Hire, Tours and Travel, AMO Enterprises that deals with Building, Construction and Electrical materials, AMO Properties well versed in Real Estate and Property Management with anticipation of venturing into various other commercial or business related activities.
Vision |
Mission |
Our vision is to become a Multi-National Business entity offering world-class services and products to meet, suit and satisfy our client requirements. | Our mission is to provide affordable, convenient, reliable products and services in minimal time but in the most appropriate manner. |
AMO Enterprises
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